

Linode 提供免費DNS 代管服務,註冊即可使用

開啟Linode 網站後,直接在首頁填入你的Email、使用者名稱,設定密碼後按下Create Account 可以免費建立帳戶,或者點選右上角的Sign Up 一樣可以看到註冊表單。

How to Configure DNS on Linode

First, sign in to your Linode account and click the DNS Manager tab. Then, click Add a Domain Zone at the lower-right corner of the screen.

Manage DNS Records

2020年7月21日 — Log in to the Cloud Manager, select Domains from the left menu, and click on the domain you wish to view.

Register Custom DNS Name Servers

2022年9月22日 — Learn how to configure custom nameservers on popular domain registrars.

Overview of DNS and DNS Records

2009年7月29日 — DNS directs web traffic to your Linode and email to your inbox by mapping memorable domain names like to IP addresses like ...

控制您的DNS记录- DNS管理器|Akamai



This guide shows how you can install and configure NSD, a lightweight name server daemon and alternative to BIND, to provide authoritative ...

Control Over Your DNS Records - DNS Manager

Linode's DNS Manager is a comprehensive interface within the Linode Cloud Manager that gives you complete oversight of DNS records. Create Account Contact Sales.

Getting Started with the Linode DNS Manager

2020年6月2日 — Linode's DNS Manager enables users to manage DNS records for each of their domains directly within the tools they already use: like the ...

Linode DNS Manager Product Documentation

2020年6月2日 — The Linode DNS Manager provides simple and convenient management for all your high availability DNS records. You can import DNS zones with ...